The Gifts in Ephesians 1-4:17

1:3Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places
1:4He chose us
1:4He made us holy and blameless before him
1:5He predestined us (also 1.11)
1:5He adopted us
1:6Blessed us in the beloved
1:7Redemption (in Him)
1:7Forgiveness for our trespasses
1:7Riches of his grace
1:8Lavished us
1:9Made known the mystery of his will
1:10United us
1:11Gave us an inheritance
1:12Made us the praise of his glory
1:13Sealed us with the promised HS
1:14Guaranteed our inheritance
1:17Give a spirit of wisdom
1:17Give revelation of the knowledge of him
1:18Enlighten our eyes
1:18Know the hope to which we are called
1:18Know the riches of his glorious inheritance
1:19Know immeasurable greatness of his power toward us
1:20God worked in Christ for us, raised him from the dead, seated him at his right hand
1:22Put all things under Christ’s feet
1:22Gave CHRIST as the head of the church
2:4Rich in mercy toward us
2:4Loved us
2:5Made us alive together in Christ
2:5Saved us by Grace
2:6Raised us up with Christ
2:6Seated us in the heavenly places in Christ
2:8Salvation (Gift from God)
2:10Ability to do good works
2:12United to Christ
2:12Joined with Israel
2:12Familiar with the covenants of promise
2:12Have hope
2:12With God in this world
2:13Brought near
2:14One with God
2:14Broken down dividing wall of hostility
2:15Abolished the law of commandments
2:15Created one new man in himself
2:15Made peace
2:16Reconciled us with God
2:16Killed hostility
2:17Sent son
2:17Preached peace
2:18Gave access to him
2:19Gave citizenship
2:19Became family
2:22Became a dwelling place for God
3:5Revealed mystery
3:6Became fellow heirs
3:6Became members of one body
3:6Became partakers of the promise
3:8Recipients of the grace give to Paul to preach
3:10Manifold wisdom of God made know to
3:11Eternal purposes of Christ realized
4:1Ability to walk worthy
4:2Ability to bear with one another in love
4:3Bond of peace
4:4One body
4:4One Spirit
4:4One hope
4:5One Lord
4:5One faith
4:5One baptism
4:6One God
4:6One Father
4:7Grace (according to Christ’s gift)
4:13Knowledge of the Son
4:13Stature of the fullness Christ
4:16Unity, growth, love
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