The Red Dragon Cast Down: A Redemptive Approach to the Occult and Satanism
Healing from occult influence through Christ.
Help[H]er publishing.
Grounded in biblical anthropology. Fostering conversation.
A collection of devotionals designed to engage journal writing. It can be used personally, as a resource for those who gather, and as a tool in the counselor’s toolkit.
This series is designed to lift our gaze to things above where Christ is (Col. 3:1). In doing so, we connect our real and present circumstances with the God who remembers. The goal is not to ignore suffering. Rather, the purpose of this series is to help us see how the eternal and living God meets us in those very circumstances. Come, let us remember together!
Beautiful 7” x 10” professionally crafted hardcover journals worthy of presentation. With spiral binding, these journals are also easy to use and convenient for daily devotions.
We are excited to introduce the Festivals of Remembrance series.
As Christians, we celebrate Communion and remember Him to whom all previous festivals point. But the call to remember God’s covenants, promises, and mighty works persists. The Festivals of Remembrance journal series is a reminder to remember the most oft commandment in Scripture. Similar to the Israelites of old, Christians do not yet possess the land of promise. It is ours by faith, and we see it from afar. For now, we remain in the wilderness, setting our hopes on the New Jerusalem. Occasionally, we find rest. But often we find ourselves in dangerous terrain, facing sin nature within and predators without. If this is where you find yourself, the Festivals of Remembrance journal series encourages a path to find the way back to rest.
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Healing from occult influence through Christ.
Understanding narcissism through a biblical lens.