Voices Break Silence.

Whispering. Roaring. Unwavering.


It happened again. Only this time, Maggie had barely two hours to get herself and the kids ready. She ran through the house moving quickly from room to room. She


What Women Wish Church Leaders Knew About Domestic Abuse and the Victims (part 2) By the time I got involved in Lisa’s case, she had left her husband seven times.


Missy slammed her fist on the counter. Tears slid down her cheeks. “What in the world are they thinking?” she yelled out loud. No one else was in the apartment,

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Looking Forward
  • Bearing Witness  – Season 6 podcast 2025
  • Remember His Benefits: Festivals of Remembrance: Volume II devotional journal
  • Your Story Matters: Theology of Story I self-paced course
  • Your Conscience Matters: Theology of Story II self-paced course
  • Remember Bible Study
  • Documenting resource for counselors