I’m in a bit of writing slump as I try and figure out which bandage to rip off next from my story. I’m waiting on the Lord to inspire me and so far I’ve got nothin.
In the meantime, I’m doing some serious processing. One, I’m using the new Help[H]er “Remember My Affliction, Advent Through Lamentations” journal in the Festivals of Remembrance VOLUME ONE for my own devotions.

Guys. Guys. Guys! It is AMAZING. This journal is not only beautiful (thanks to our own HH, Helen Weigt and her creative expertise), it is rich with words and thoughts for expressing to God (and ourselves) in the midst of lament. We’re so grateful Kimrey Dillon has joined our staff and contributed to create this resource. “Remember My…” is set to be released well in advance of its Advent focus. Subscribe to our website here and be the first to know when it’s available.
Second, while I’ve been struggling to find words that might create a cohesive article, I’ve instead found fragments and wrote a poem(ish). I’ve had Savannah Locke’s angelic voice echoing in the back of my mind, “Someone said I’m in crisis, but I’m just letting go. Everything I thought I knew, I guess I don’t…and if I wander, please wander with me until I find my way home.” So for today, I’m just inviting you to wander with me as I ask myself the questions in my poem(ish). Perhaps you’re asking similar things…
Who Am I?
Who am I?
Who I am?
Who you say I am?
Who I am becoming?
Who am I becoming?
Who should I be?
Who I could have been?
Who I should have been?
Who You want me to be?
Who you want me to be?
Who I want to become?
Who belongs to You?
Who bought me for a price?
Who You sent Him for?
Who You sent for me?
Who You see?
Who You hear?
Who You redeemed?
Who intercedes?
Who[se] righteousness (spoiler, not mine)?
Who I long for?
Who I imitate?
Who You say I am?
I am.