Reading Room
A growing collection of insightful and thought provoking books aimed at providing guidance, support, and different view points to consider. These topics offer valuable perspectives and practical tools.
Opinions, viewpoints, and convictions may differ so we encourage our readers to practice discernment. As well, authors, concepts, and perspectives do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Help[H]er.
It is our hope that our Reading Room is a platform for studying and learning rather than causing division or strife.
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Family & Children
She Deserves Better: Raising Girls to Resist Toxic Teachings on Sex, Self, and Speaking Up
by Sheila Wray Gregoire, Rebecca Gregoire Lindenbach, and Joanna Sawatsky
Empowering guide for raising confident, discerning daughters.
Family & Children
Something Sad Happened – Picture Book
by Darby Strcikland
Comforting guide for children navigating grief
Family & Children
Something Scary Happened – Picture Book
by Darby Strcikland
Comfort and guidance for children facing scary situations.
Family & Children
The Connected Parent: Real-Life Strategies for Building Trust and Attachment
by Karyn Purvis PhD and Lisa C. Qualls
Build trust and attachment with practical, compassionate strategies.
Family & Children
The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind
by Daniel J. Siegel M.D. and Tina Payne Bryso
Guide children’s development with whole-brain strategies.
Family & Children
Caring for Families Caught in Domestic Abuse: A Guide toward Protection, Refuge, and Hope
by Chris Moles
Care for families caught in domestic abuse.
Family & Children
Foster the Family: Encouragement, Hope, and Practical Help for the Christian Foster Parent
by Jamie Finn
Support for Christian foster parents’ journey.
Family & Children
Reframing Foster Care: Filtering Your Foster Parenting Journey Through the Lens of the Gospel
by Jason Johnson
Gospel-centered insights for the foster care journey.
Family & Children
When Children Experience Trauma: Help for Parents and Caregivers
by Darby Strickland
Help for parents and caregivers.
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