Reading Room

A growing collection of insightful and thought provoking books aimed at providing guidance, support, and different view points to consider. These topics offer valuable perspectives and practical tools.

 Opinions, viewpoints, and convictions may differ so we encourage our readers to practice discernment. As well, authors, concepts, and perspectives do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Help[H]er.

It is our hope that our Reading Room is a platform for studying and learning rather than causing division or strife.


Worthy: Celebrating the Value of Women

by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher
Develop a robust view of women in redemptive history.

Un-Afraid: Be You. Be Authentic. Find the Grit and Grace to Shine

by Carey Scott
Confidence to shine with fearless authenticity.

Counseling Women: Biblical Wisdom for Life’s Battles

by Kristin L. Kellen
Biblically grounded, addressing struggles that women face.
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Looking Forward
  • Bearing Witness  – Season 6 podcast 2025
  • Remember His Benefits: Festivals of Remembrance: Volume II devotional journal
  • Your Story Matters: Theology of Story I self-paced course
  • Your Conscience Matters: Theology of Story II self-paced course
  • Remember Bible Study
  • Documenting resource for counselors