All suffering is loss, but God leaves nothing unused in His plans. We help women see His redemptive thread throughout their circumstances and then look for opportunities to join with God in His transforming work.


Special - Part 2

Special – PCA GA
Part 2 of PCA GA, "So What?" Join the conversation with Lynna Sutherland (Advocacy from the Presbyterian Pew) and Donna Westcott (The Psycho-Theologian) as we further discuss the happenings, nuances, and responses to last week’s PCA General Assembly. We will also explore the questions, hopes, and wisdom as we move forward. An insider’s look into the 'business' of GA.

Special - Part 1

Special – PCA GA
What does the PCA General Assembly mean to us as women? Are we safe in the denomination? Tune in for this special Safe to Hope podcast featuring Lynna Sutherland (Advocacy from the Presbyterian Pew) and Donna Westcott. Hear how they heard and experienced the denomination’s “business” last week and what this may mean for women.

Season 4 Episode 6

Foster Care Families
With Darby Strickland, author and biblical counselor, and Jill Butler, biblical counselor and instructor. Two Expert Contributors speak from a counselor’s perspective, they describe trauma experienced by the children in the foster and adoption systems and how the church can come alongside to offer support. And Jill tells about the trauma she experienced as a child in an adoptive family and how the Lord ministered to her along the way.

Visit your county’s dept. of social services website for foster parent info.

Click here for H Institute’s Theology of Story

Here’s info about Darby Strickland

Here’s info about Jill Butler

Books about fostering: Foster the Family and Reframing Foster Care

Alongside Families If you don’t live in NC

If you are a foster parent looking for a support group in your area please visit Foster the Family support groups.

Season 4 Episode 5

Foster Care Families
Caroline wraps up her story as a foster mom by relating how God continues to meet her family’s needs both physically and spiritually. She also explains how pastors, elders and churches can improve their sensitivity about serving well in the area of trauma.

Visit your county’s dept. of social services website for foster parent info.

If you are a foster parent looking for a support group in your area please visit Foster the Family support groups.

Season 4 Episode 4

Foster Care Families
Today our Expert Contributor, Jonathan Holmes interacts on this Season's topic of Foster Care Family. Jonathan himself is adopted and has a very interesting story. Contributing as both a counselor and adoptee it is fascinating to hear his perspective and wisdom.

Visit your county’s dept. of social services website for foster parent info.

Click here to learn more about Jonathan Holmes of Fieldstone Counseling.

Jonathan is the author and contributor to a number of books:


If you are a foster parent looking for a support group in your area please visit Foster the Family support groups.

Alongside Families If you don’t live in NC

Season 4 Episode 3

Caroline continues her story as she describes the second-hand trauma she experienced as a foster mom of traumatized children. She and Dr. Ann Maree Goudzwaard discuss how the church can better minister to foster families.

Visit your county’s dept. of social services website for foster parent info.

Foster care  books:

Resources about connecting with traumatized children:

Foster parent support group: Foster the Family.

Alongside Families If you don’t live in NC

Link to Help[H]er’s own: H Institute

Bible study: Second Mother: A Bible Study Experience for Foster and Adoptive Moms

Season 4 Episode 2

“How can the church come alongside and care for the very unique needs of both the parents and the biological children and the foster or adopted children in these families?”

Season 4 Episode 1

Our Storyteller is a foster care mom who shares with us, the many facets of what she hoped and looked for in her church.

Getting to Know Us

Part 2 with more discussion to help you become better acquainted with the Help[H]er ministry.

Getting to Know Us

Join us as we delve into the back story from founder and Executive Director, Dr. Ann Maree Goudzwaard.
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Looking Forward
  • Swag Shop of branded goodies
  • Remember my Affliction Advent devotional
  • Theology of Story II course
  • Remember Bible Study
  • Documenting resource for counselors