Reading Room Book Review

The Cry of the Soul: How Our Emotions Reveal Our Deepest Questions about God

What Scripture says about our darker emotions.

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The Cry of the Soul:
How Our Emotions Reveal
Our Deepest Questions about God
by Dan Allender and Tremper Longman


The Cry of the Soul by Dan Allender and Tremper Longman is a compelling exploration of the profound connection between our emotions and our spiritual lives. This book is an invaluable resource for leaders, counselors, and people-helpers who seek to understand how emotions can serve as a gateway to deeper spiritual insight and a more authentic relationship with God.

Emotions as a Window to the Soul
Allender and Longman challenge the often-held belief that emotions are something to be controlled or minimized. Instead, they argue that emotions are a critical aspect of our humanity that reveal our deepest longings, fears, and questions about God. By listening to our emotions, we can gain a better understanding of our inner world and how it relates to our faith. This approach is especially relevant for those ministering to individuals who have experienced trauma or are grappling with intense emotional struggles.

Biblical Reflections on Emotional Honesty
Drawing on a wealth of biblical examples, the authors demonstrate how the psalms, in particular, express the full range of human emotion—from joy and gratitude to anger and despair. These biblical reflections encourage readers to embrace emotional honesty in their relationship with God, rather than hiding or suppressing their feelings. This perspective is particularly empowering for those helping others to navigate their emotions in a way that is both authentic and spiritually enriching.

Theological Depth and Practical Application
The Cry of the Soul is both theologically rich and practically applicable. Allender and Longman delve into the theological implications of emotions, showing how they relate to the nature of God and our understanding of His character. They also provide practical guidance on how to engage with emotions in a way that leads to spiritual growth and healing. For those in pastoral care or counseling, this book offers valuable tools for guiding others through the complex interplay of emotion and faith.

Embracing God’s Invitation
At its core, The Cry of the Soul is about embracing God’s invitation to bring our whole selves—emotions and all—into our relationship with Him. Allender and Longman remind us that God is not afraid of our emotions, but rather invites us to bring them into His presence as a way of deepening our connection with Him. This message of openness and vulnerability is especially comforting for those who feel overwhelmed by their emotions or uncertain about how to reconcile their feelings with their faith.

The Cry of the Soul: How Our Emotions Reveal Our Deepest Questions about God is an insightful and deeply moving exploration of the spiritual significance of our emotions. Dan Allender and Tremper Longman provide a biblically grounded, theologically robust, and practically applicable guide for anyone seeking to understand how their emotions can lead to a deeper, more authentic relationship with God. This book is a must-read for leaders, counselors, and people-helpers committed to supporting others in their emotional and spiritual journeys.

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